Fidanzi & Partners, is the result of Dr. Andrea Fidanzi’s study, one of the best accountants in Pisa. Many administrative and fiscal fulfilments require a stronger proficiency and specialisation for this reason is very difficult to deal with that individually; this is the reason why we talk about “team work”, where everyone can offer his consultation, suitable for all the requirements, enhancing one’s own skills.
Fidanzi & Partners want to master the international tax system in order to provide support to his Italian and foreign clients that commercialize with foreign markets. The thirty-year experience of Dr. Andrea Fidanzi represents the basis of a consulting and information service that appeals to a clientele combing traditional competencies with specialized activities, such as liquidation of business, mergers and divisions of companies, asset management for every citizen, appraisals and technical advice, inspections and administrative reviews, contractual consultancy, the role of statutory auditor in trading and financial companies such as in local authorities and non profit companies.
La Fidanzi & Partners intends to satisfy his clients going with them with the business administration. It can be the greatest representative for his clients in different phases:
With the settlement of a business project and his economical, financial and fiscal assessment;
With financial, accounting, juridical intervention and also about business management.
Where we check the accuracy of legal values and the economy of operations.
We intervene in extraordinary corporate transactions of society with assistance in business deal, in arbitration that means in case of clean up in compulsory administration.